kids Tag

Divorce Part 2: Rules of Engagement.

Hands down my greatest challenge as a divorced dad was remaining a deeply engaged father in my children’s lives with a co parent who was no longer my partner, whose feelings towards me were less than hospitable and whose ideas about parenting came from a different manual than mine.

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Divorce and children

Divorce and children

Telling my children that their mom and I were getting divorced was probably the hardest conversation I have ever had.


My son Luke was 11 at the time and my daughter Blythe 8. My heart broke as I looked into their sad, shocked eyes.  It took everything I had to stop my tears from flowing. Their lives were being turned upside down by the two people they trusted and relied on most in the world.

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Happy Mother's Day: Dad Book on tray with breakfast and flower

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all the incredibly strong and beautiful moms out there; our partners in parenting, and invaluable gifts to our world.

Love, Craig