father hero Tag

What is a real man: Father playing with his son

What is a real man?

Where is the image of a real man to be found? Is it in the round-house kick of Chuck Norris or in the decaf latte of the tame metrosexual?

Is masculinity epitomised by the pot-bellied, middle aged, suburban man in front of the sports channel sipping beer and yelling advice to a team of men he has never met, or by the suave wall-street broker in a pin-striped suit? Does the tough inner city gang member embody masculinity or the outdoor man hiking through the wilderness? The image of true masculinity is as varied as the number of people you ask.
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A father's love for his daughter: Girl (8-10) on father's shoulders by sea, rear view

A father’s love for his daughter

My daughter Blythe.

I adore her. Our passionate love affair has lasted just over fourteen years and shows no sign of waning. Still when I hear her voice, or her name comes up on my phone a smile starts at the centre of my soul and wells up through my being. It wasn’t love at first sight though. The night we first met neither of us was at our best. The details are a bit vague in my mind now but I do remember her crying bitterly and me being thoroughly exhausted. Before the night was over though, she was in my arms. Two days later she moved in and we’ve been together ever since.
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