children Tag

Divorce Part 2: Rules of Engagement.

Hands down my greatest challenge as a divorced dad was remaining a deeply engaged father in my children’s lives with a co parent who was no longer my partner, whose feelings towards me were less than hospitable and whose ideas about parenting came from a different manual than mine.

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Young father plays guitar for his little daughter while she is jumping in bedroom, displaying her unique identity.

Discovering your child’s unique identity

Each child has a unique identity; a combination of personality traits, talents and passions that combine to equip them for their life purpose. It’s your duty as a father to help them discover what their skill set is and how this melds with their heart’s great passion to form their unique identity.

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Divorce and children

Divorce and children

Telling my children that their mom and I were getting divorced was probably the hardest conversation I have ever had.


My son Luke was 11 at the time and my daughter Blythe 8. My heart broke as I looked into their sad, shocked eyes.  It took everything I had to stop my tears from flowing. Their lives were being turned upside down by the two people they trusted and relied on most in the world.

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Raising The Future_Part2

Raising the Future – Part Two

Our future lies in the hands of our children and in our hands lies the future of our children. It sounds like a riddle but it’s really quite simple; how well we raise the world’s children will determine the quality of our future on earth. The most important contribution any man or woman can make to world peace and prosperity is to parent the next generation well. Read More

Moms rock: mother and son hugging, son blowing bubbles

Moms rock

Miracle workers and magic makers, no-one exemplifies grace and beauty more than a mom in action.

The sweet, healing balm of a mother’s love touches every aspect of her child’s life. It soothes bruised egos, restores broken hearts, lifts up discouraged souls, and feeds hungry tummies. A good mom is a priceless gift to her children. She is both a soft nurturing sanctuary and a fierce protective shield. So many men and women are who they are today because of  selfless, loving and wise moms.

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