How well do you know your child?

One of the greatest longings we all have is to be truly seen, truly known. People often fall in love with the first person who really “gets them”, even if the person is not right in most other ways. It is a universal soul cry and it is one that every father needs to respond to. Thus the first DadVerb is to see.


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Men have been seduced by a lie

Men have been seduced by a lie.

All men have three basic yearnings: purpose, adventure and romance. John Elldredge puts it beautifully in his book Wild at Heart when he writes that every masculine soul needs a battle to fight, an adventure to live and a beauty to rescue. As men we come alive when our souls find expression in these three areas. Unfortunately, in today’s sanitised and digitalised world, battles and adventure are not easy to come by.


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The Father’s Embrace

The two greatest gifts a child can receive are a mother’s nurture and a father’s embrace. The father is a boy’s first hero and a girl’s first love and the father who sees this and responds with his embrace gives his child a gift of incalculable value. So much more than a hug the father’s embrace is the million things a man does in the love of his child.  (more…)

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